
Pope John Paul II

The 100 Best Links to All WWW Resources on Pope John Paul II. His life, his times -- it's all here. This is your complete source for Pope John Paul II information.

  1. "Unofficial" Pope John Paul II Page
    A tribute to the man who is the most traveled Pope in the 2,000 year history of the Church and speaks eight languages.

  2. Pope John Paul II
    Pope John Paul II Black & White Picture of the Pope Time's Man of the Year article on Pope John P...

  3. Pope John Paul II on Prayer
    Pope John Paul II on Prayer At no moment, and in no historical period, especially in an age so critical as ours, can the Church forget prayehttp://webdesk.com/catholic/prayers/popejohnpauliionpraMore Like This

  4. The Pope Page


    Catholic Information Network (CIN) - Index

  6. Pope John Paul II
    Many of the Pope's writings are available here.

  7. Pope John Paul II: Statesman of Faith Video -- Witness a por
    Pope John Paul II: Statesman of Faith Video We carry a variety of biography videos including Judy Garland, Cary Grant, Grace Kelly and more.http://www.powervideos.com/pope-biography/More Like This

  8. Pope John Paul II
    Pope John Paul II Pope John Paul II, 1978- by Gerald Darring CRITICAL COMMENTSVernon Ruland, S.J. "The Catholic Double Standard." Christian Century 98 (16 December... 07/11/97

  9. Pope John Paul II
    HIS HOLINESS POPE JOHN PAUL II On 2 July, 1988, the Holy Father ex motu propio issued the Apostol...

  10. Catholic Education Forum
    Catholic Education Forum. Eastern Orthodox church. I have, in the past, posted in some very hot debates between Catholics and...

  11. Papal Documents
    Encyclicals, letters, and other documents from Pope Boniface VIII through to Pope John Paul II.

  12. Pope John Paul II Visits Cuba
    Special coverage from the Miami Herald.

  13. Pope John Paul II


  14. Pope John Paul II Gallery
    Pope John Paul II Gallery [ Home | Teachings | Guest Book | Donations | Search ] 01/29/98 07:25:0...

  15. WORLD OF INTEREST: The Pope In New Jersey
    This brief and unusual commentary uses the setting of a mythical Hollywood production meeting to highlight some major events in the pope's life. The title refers to the church's ability to trace the succession of its leaders back from the current pope to Jesus's Apostle Peter.

  16. HeraldLink: Pope's visit to Cuba
    The Visit to Cuba | History | Past Coverage. Pope's Cuba visit stirs 'great hope' HOW'S THIS? Ronald Suarez, from Costa Rica, tries out the chair the pope used during his Mass in Havana. But others see it as a blip of freedom

  17. The Pope John Paul II Guestbook
    The "unofficial" Pope John Paul II Guestbook To View the Guestbook. Name E-mail Address Homepage ...

  18. Pope John Paul II
    Very large picture of Papal arms and with a signature of the Pope.

  19. Item 11775: Pope John Paul II: His Biography & Tridentin
    TITLE: Pope John Paul II: His Biography & Tridentine Mass DESCRIPTION: Using rare photos and seldom seen footage, this video paints an intimhttp://www.totalmarketing.com/an/dbpage.pl/p/11775/wxg1More Like This

  20. The Pope in Cuba Photo Gallery
    Eight-year-old Endry Coreuso Rodriguez waits for Pope John Paul II. Nine-year-old Israel Garcia sits on his father's shoulders.

    Surrender to God - Cardinal Newman - First Sunday in Lent The World and Sin - Cardinal Newman - Second Sunday in Lent Our Lady in the Gospel - Cardinal Newman - Third Sunday in Lent We must follow Jesus - Pope John Paul II, Homily for Second Sunday of Lent, February 23, 1997 Developing Special Concern for the Homeless - Pope John Paul II's Lent 1997 message for the first year of preparation.

  22. Writings and Speeches by Pope John Paul II
    His Holiness Pope John Paul II's October 22, 1996 comments to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences regarding evolution. Includes Totus Tuus Mail List, text from weekly general audiences, Sunday Angelus messages, Encyclicals and more.

  23. Item 12087: A&E Biography Series - Pope John Paul II: St
    TITLE: A&E Biography Series - Pope John Paul II: Statesman of Faith DESCRIPTION: A portrait of the charismatic spiritual giant. He is one ofhttp://www.totalmarketing.com/an/dbpage.pl/p/12087/inf3More Like This

  24. Pope John Paul II: REDEMPTOR HOMINIS
    Pope John Paul II: REDEMPTOR HOMINIS New Advent Catholic Website -- http://www.knigh... His Holiness Pope John Paul II Redemptor Hominis Encyclical Letter on the Redeemer... 07/02/97

  25. Pope John Paul II's Entrance to Giants Stadium
    Pope John Paul II Entrance to Giants Stadium October 5, 1995 Return to BB's BBB

  26. Pope John Paul II: An American Celebration


  27. Holy See: Vatican Web Site
    Recent photographs of the Pope's appearances and the text from his speeches are made available on this site, which is updated frequently.

  28. Associated Catholic Cemeteries
    Associated Catholic Cemeteries Archdiocese of Seattle. Associated Catholic Cemeteries ministers to our living faith community in preparing for death, at...

    Statue by Enrique de la Vega Links to Marian Sites Brown Scapular - Sabbatine Privilege, Blessing and Investiture Abide with us, Immaculate Mother - Pope John Paul II, December 8, 1997 Memorandum on the Immaculate Conception by Cardinal John Henry Newman  The Little Crown Of The Blessed Virgin Mary of Saint Louis de Montfort Mirror of the Blessed Virgin Mary by St. Alphonsus de Liguori.

  30. Pope John Paul II Visits the U.S. - October 4-8, 1995
    Pope John Paul II Visits the U.S. - October 4-8, 1995 Pope's visit to USA index - [usatoday] Pope John Paul II Visits the U.S. - [cua.edu] Lhttp://www.zpub.com/un/pope/unpope-v.htmlMore Like This

  31. Catholic Information Network (CIN) - Pope John Paul II - Pre...
      Prayer to the Holy Spirit, Preparation for Jubilee, Pope John Paul II THE DESTINY OF THE JUBILEE YEAR: Why it will be meaningful to be there then by Luigi Giussani CINJUB - Jubilee 2000 Mail List - Moderator: Fr. The Holy Year 2000 Catholic Website (Magisterium, Sacred Liturgy, Plainsong, history of the institution of the Jubilee year, and many other links) Great Jubilee will benefit.

  32. Pope John Paul II: ORIENTALE LUMEN
    Pope John Paul II: ORIENTALE LUMEN New Advent Catholic Website -- http://www.knigh... His Holiness Pope John Paul II Orientale Lumen Apostolic Letter on the Eastern... 07/23/97

  33. Pope John Paul II Commemorative Collectable Gold Coins


  34. Pop John Paul


  35. Ignatius Press -- Portrait of John Paul II (Frossard)
    Portrait of John Paul II. André Frossard. Frossard, a famous French author and a personal friend of the Pope, has traveled widely with Pope John Paul II and conversed with him ...

  36. Pray with the Pope
    CD Clip 2. FTP - CD Clip 2. John Paul II: The Pope of the Rosary 2-CD or 2-cassette album available from Vatican Radio in seven languages. The album offers the listener the full prayer of the rosary -- that is, fifteen decades including joyful, sorrowful, and glorious mysteries -- and catechetical reflections of Pope John Paul II on the Christian life and gospel values.

  37. Catholic Information Center on Internet (CICI) Home Page - Catholic.Net
    Catholic Information Center on Internet. ™ Click on the headlines to get the latest news from Catholic World News. Teachings of the Church (Catechism.

  38. Pope John Paul II USA Visit 95
    presented by Catholic Online.

  39. John Paul II: Speeches, October US Papal Visit
    Visit of Pope John Paul II to the United Nations and the United States Speeches, Homilies, and Ad...

  40. Henry Search Engine

  41. Our Glorious Popes
    Pope Saint Zachary (741 - 752) V. Pope Saint Leo III (795 - 816) VI. Pope Pius IX (1846 - 1878) X. Pope Saint Pius X (1903 - 1914).

  42. Catholic Information Network (CIN) - Pope John Paul II's General Audie...


  43. Pope John Paul II - Visit to Cuba
    January 21 to 25, 1998 Add/View Comments re: Pope John Paul II trip to Cuba News Links:. As had been previously announced, Pope John Paul II will be making a pastoral visit to Cuba from January 21 to 25, 1998.

  44. AOC - From Pope John Paul II
    The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Main Page From Pope John Paul II "With the advent of computer telecommunications and...computer participahttp://www.archdiocese-cinti.org/johnpaulii.htmMore Like This

  45. John Paul II: The Man, The Pope and His Message and His Message
    a 10-video series.Pope John Paul II Commemorative Collectable Gold Coins

  46. HeraldLink: Pope's visit to Cuba
    Past Coverage The Pope on the Net Eternal World Television Network (EWTN) Catholic Information Center Internet The writings of Pope John Paul II Cuban American National Foundation National Web site for the Republic of Cuba The Vatican

  47. http://www.christusrex.org/www1/pope/speeches.html

  48. Biographical Sketch of Pope John Paul II
    Official Biography Karol Joseph Wojtyla (pronounced Voy-tee-wah) was born in Wadowice, Poland on May 18, 1920, to an administrative officer in the Polish army and a former schoolteacher. On October 16, 1978, at age 58, he was elected to succeed Pope John Paul I. He was the first Polish pope and also the first non-Italian pope since Pope Adrian VI in 1522.

  49. Prayer for Pope John Paul II
    Prayer for Pope John Paul II Lord, source of eternal life and truth, give to your shepherd John Paul a spirit of courage and right judgementhttp://www.cwo.com/~pentrack/catholic/prpope.htmlMore Like This

  50. Pope John Paul II: LETTER TO FAMILIES
    Pope John Paul II: LETTER TO FAMILIES New Advent Catholic Website -- http://www.knigh... His Holiness Pope John Paul II Letter to Families February 2, 1994... 07/02/97

  51. pope *** Tribune units combine efforts to bring coverage to the masses
    Tribune units combine efforts to bring coverage to the masses. Pope John Paul II offers communion to a Cuban girl during mass in the Ignacio Agramonte Plaza in the town of Camaguey. Capitalizing on the synergy between business units and the strength of its r

  52. !A A&E Biography Series - Pope John Paul II: Statesman of Fa
    LinkExchange A&E Biography Series - Pope John Paul II: Statesman of Faith This Video Title and 1,000's More Are Available At Discount Pricinhttp://amr1.com/cat-des/bio/bio12087.htmMore Like This

  53. Papal Coverage Examines Issues Of Faith (10/08/95)
    Home | On the map | On the go | On the Street | On the Web | On the job. PAPAL COVERAGE EXAMINES ISSUES OF FAITH. By Teresa Wasson, Corporate News Executive The ethnic and religious makeup of the Northeast meant that large numbers of readers there were inten

  54. Henry Search Engine

  55. Catherine of Siena Institute
    offers workshops on the role of Catholic lay men and women in the New Evangelization proclaimed by Pope John Paul II.

  56. The Pope Page
    His Holiness John Paul II "This [CICI] is Very, Very Great !!" said Pope John Paul II at the demo...

  57. Opus Dei: Special Report
    . On April 7 Pope John Paul II received in audience the 4,000 university students from throughout the world who had gathered in Rome to participate in the final phase of the UNIV '98 Congress. At the end the Pope gave a discourse in which he pointed out that the Church continues to fight to defend justice and charity as long as there are forms of injustice in the world.

  58. Seven Sacraments, The
    summaries of Pope John Paul II's homilies relating to the sacraments.

  59. Catholic Information Network (CIN) - Pope John Paul II Angelus Message...


  60. Pope John Paul II
    THE THRONE FOR POPE JOHN PAUL II Commissioned by the Archdiocese of Denver for the Popes visit in 1994, the Throne was carved in oak with twhttp://agrellandthorpe.com/pope.htmlMore Like This

  61. Karol Wojtyla - Pope John Paul II
    Dimensions (in inches): 7.28 x 4.39 x .77 - ISBN: 0553478729 - Price: US$20.70 Click here to purchase this Audio Cassette edition of Gift and Mystery. Dimensions (in inches): 7.11 x 4.27 x 1.90 - ISBN: 0679440763 - Price: US$20.70 Click here to purchase this Audio Cassette edition of Crossing the Threshold of Hope.

  62. Pope John Paul II: An Unofficial Home Page


  63. Pope John Paul II Pavilion at Saint Mary's Life Center - Hig
    Pope John Paul II Pavilion at Saint Mary's Life Center - Highlights Different levels of care to meet the changing needs of residents Short-thttp://www.cathedralhealthcare.org/sm_highlt.htmlMore Like This

  64. Pope John Paul II
    For many years Karol believed God was calling him to the priesthood, and after two near fatal accidents, he responded to God's call. Venerable Pope Pius XII appointed Karol Wojtyla an auxiliary bishop in Krakow on July 4, 1958.

  65. Pope John Paul II: DOMINICAE CENAE (1980)
    Pope John Paul II: DOMINICAE CENAE (1980) New Advent Catholic Website -- http://www.knigh... His Holiness Pope John Paul II Dominicae Cenae On the Mystery and... 07/02/97

  66. Pope John Paul II Pavilion at Saint Mary's Life Center - Dir
    Pope John Paul II Pavilion at Saint Mary's Life Center - Directions From the East: Take 280 West to Exit 11B. Make a left onto Day Street. Mhttp://www.cathedralhealthcare.org/sm_dir.htmlMore Like This

  67. Common Declaration signed by Pope John Paul II and Armenian Catholicicos Karekin...
    Common Declaration signed by Pope John Paul II and Armenian Catholicicos Karekin I December 13, 1996 As they bring to a close their solemn meeting... 01/09/97

  68. The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II
    The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II John Paul II, formerly the worker's Cardinal, is the 264th successor of St. Peter and the first Slavic http://www.nd.edu/~knights/pope/More Like This

  69. His Holines Pope John Paul II at the United Nations
    His Holiness. Pope John Paul II. at the United Nations. Secretary-General Boutros BOUTROS-GHALI (right) greets Pope JOHN PAUL II on his arrival at the United Nations. Diogo ...

    Pope John Paul II: FAMILIARIS CONSORTIO New Advent Catholic Website -- http://www.knigh... His Holiness Pope John Paul II Familiaris Consortio Apostolic Exhortation on the Role... 07/24/97

  71. BBC News | Pope in Cuba


  72. Amazing Facts
    Born Karol Joseph Wojtyla (Voy-tee-wah) in Wadowice, Poland, Pope John Paul II is the first Slav to head the Roman Catholic Church, the first non-Italian pope in 455 years, the youngest pope in a century, and the first since Pius II in the 15th century to be a man of letters. As a young man during the German occupation of Poland, he was hospitalized twice, after accidents involving a...

  73. Yahoo! - Society and Culture:Religion:Faiths and Practice...
    Top:Society and Culture:Religion:Faiths and Practices:Christianity:Denominations and Sects:Cathol...

  74. Pope John Paul II to visit Israel before the year 2,000


  75. Pope John Paul II, Page 7
    Home Page Visitor PagePrevious PageNext Page Pope John Paul II Rev. Mark Connolly Television has given us many wonderful memories over the yhttp://www.spirituality.org/issue04/page07.htmlMore Like This

  76. Pope John Paul II: EVANGELIUM VITAE
    Pope John Paul II: EVANGELIUM VITAE New Advent Catholic Website -- http://www.knigh... His Holiness Pope John Paul II Evangelium Vitae Encyclical Letter on the Value... 07/02/97

  77. May 98 Dates
    May 98 Dates Pope John Paul II School Commitment to Excellence May 1998 - Dates to Remember N. B....

    Jesus gave his life as a ransom for many - Pope John Paul II, General Audience, February 4, 1998. Jesus' 'Hour' Is Time of Human Salvation - Pope John Paul II, General Audience, January 14, 1998.

  79. Schedule of Visit of Pope John Paul II
    On Friday, 17 May, in the afternoon the Pope is to arrive at the Brnik Airport. He will be met by the highest representatives of the country of Slovenia and of the Church and the ...

  80. Message from Pope John Paul II
    Truth Journal Message from Pope John Paul II (sent by his secretary Monsignor Dziwisz) His Holine...

    RUMINATIONS. JOHN PAUL II ON THE LAITY. Christopher Kaczor. Pick up the local diocesan newspaper. Most likely, it will be filled with pictures of priests,.

  82. HeraldLink: Pope's visit to Cuba


  83. The History of Eucharistic Adoration Development of Doctrine in the Catholic ......
    The History of Eucharistic Adoration Development of Doctrine in the Catholic Church by John A. Hardon, S.J. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. I. APOSTOLIC TIMES TO EARLY MIDDLE... 06/19/96

  84. Recent Holy Fathers of the Catholic Church
    Recent Holy Fathers of the Catholic Church. Recent Holy Fathers of the Catholic Church.

    Visit of Pope John Paul II to the United Nations and the United States: Speeches, Homilies, and A...

  86. Unity With Pope John Paul II
    Fr. Gobbi and Pope John Paul II Our Lady has obtained for the Church a great Pope, consecrated to her Immaculate Heart and whom she herself http://www.mmp-usa.net/vatican.htmMore Like This

  87. CATHOLIC INFORMATION NETWORK (CIN) - Documents - Pope John Paul II
    Centessimus Annus, John Paul II, On the Hundredth Anniversary of "Rerum Novarum," 1991 Christifideles Laici, John Paul II, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on the Vocation and Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and in the World December 30, 1988 Christmas Message to Children, Pope John Paul II, December 15, 1994. Redemptor Hominis The Redeemer of Man, John Paul II (1979).

  88. HeraldLink: Pope's visit to Cuba


  89. http://www.christusrex.org/www1/pope/baltimore.html

  90. Catholic Resources on the Net
    Includes Pope John Paul II - picture gallery and Selected Papal Encyclicals and Pronouncements. A Catholic index from Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church in Grand Bay, Alabama - Entry for Pope John Paul II.

  91. Project Rachel: Pope John Paul II/Evangelium Vitae
    ...do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope. I would now like to say a special word to women who have had an abortion. The Chhttp://www.multimaxx.com/project-rachel/vitae.htmMore Like This

  92. Online NewsHour: The Pope's visit to Cuba -- January 23, 1998
    CHURCH AND STATE. JANUARY 23, 1998. The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer Transcript. During the first few days of his Cuba visit, Pope John Paul II has criticized the ...

  93. The Vatican and the Middle East
    The Vatican presents here its views over its commitments concerning the Holy Land situation and especially about Jerusalem. UN Holy SEE observer on Status of Jerusalem, Vatican City, June 14th 1997.

  94. Pastoral Letter on the anticipated arrival of Pope John Paul II
    The Most Reverend Theodore E. McCarrick, PhD Archbishop of Newark July 25, 1994 Every diocesan bishop must make a report of his stewardship to the Holy Father every five years. ...

  95. Papal Encyclicals


  96. News
    News from the Holy See Christus Rex Information Service His Holiness Pope John Paul II October 22...

  97. Encyclopedia Coptica
    It starts with a pre-Lent fast of one week, followed by a 40-day fast commemorating Christ's fasting on the mountain, followed by the Holy week, the most sacred week (called Pascha) of the Coptic Calendar, which climaxes with the Crucifix on Good Friday and ends with the joyous Easter. Other fasting seasons of the Coptic Church include, the Advent (Fast of the Nativity), the Fast of the.

  98. Directive #7 - Pope John Paul II
    7 POPE JOHN PAUL II. "AND THE LORD SAID: Simon, Simon, behold satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: .

  99. Book of Pope John Paul II Visit
    Booklet of talks given by Pope John Paul II To produce a copy or copies of a booklet containing the major speeches of Pope John Paul II durihttp://www.mich.com/~buffalo/jp2visit.htmlMore Like This

  100. Ignatius Press -- John Paul II
    John Paul II A Pictorial of the Pope's Daily Life in the Vatican Adam Bujak This unique and attra...

  101. Pope John Paul II


  102. Pope John Paul II High School
    Welcome to the Peterson's VirtualAdmissionsOffice SM for Pope John Paul II High School Boca Raton...

  103. The Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of God. A Catholic Christian Resource
    Mary, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of God. A Catholic Christian Resource. Mary, Blessed Virgin, Mother of God, and Catholic resources. One of the



  105. Boston Globe Online / Latest News / World / Pope John Paul II chooses ...
    The Boston Globe Low-Graphics Version MAIN SECTIONS Page One Nation | World Metro | Region Business Sports Living | Arts Editorials ...

  106. Pope John Paul II's NJ/NY/MD Fall Tour
    This item was compiled from articles appearing in the New York Times and the Newark Star Ledger. Pope John Paul II will at last grace the rehttp://argus.njit.edu/RCC/News/tour.htmlMore Like This

  107. BBC News | World | Pope attacks American embargo
    Pope John Paul II arrived in his PopemobileHe criticised such sanctions as always deplorable because they hurt the most needy. He said Cuba urgently needs priests who belong to this people as half of Cuba's almost 300 priests are foreigners.

  108. February 98 Dates
    February 98 Dates Pope John Paul II School Commitment to Excellence February 1998 - Dates to Reme...

  109. News
    from the Holy See. Christus Rex Information Service 24 July 1996. Pope John Paul II on Sunday July 21, 1996 V.I.S. - Wednesday 24 July 1996. JOHN PAUL II TALKS WITH JOURNALISTS ...

  110. MED-TV: Pope John Paul II Meets a Delegation of Kurdish Women


  111. Pope John Paul II
    lastModified + ''); // -- Pope John Paul II. Go Excerpts from an address by Pope John Paul II, Rome, 1980:.

  112. Movement to declare Mary Coredemptrix underway!
    There is mounting evidence that Pope John Paul II may declare Mary the Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate of humanity as an official Catholic dogma (article of faith) in the very ...

  113. June 98 Dates
    June 98 Dates Pope John Paul II School Commitment to Excellence June 1998 - Dates to Remember N. ...

  114. HeraldLink: Leading members of Pope John Paul II's entourage:


  115. Pope John Paul II
    was born Karol Joseph Wojtyla (Voy-tee-wah) in Wadowice, Poland, May 18, 1920. His father, Karol (1879-1941), once a foundry worker, was an administrative officer in the 12th Infantry ...

  116. Pope John Paul II School
    Pope John Paul II School Pope John Paul II School 9094 Bolton Heights Rd., Bolton, Ontario, Canad...

  117. Pope John Paul II School Links
    Pope John Paul II School Links Pope John Paul II School Commitment to Excellence Favourite Links ...

  118. Pope John Paul II
    Pope John Paul II: Fall Itinerary, 10/4/95 to 10/8/95. 5 P.M. Blesses offices of Holy See Mission to the United Nations in Manhattan and delivers brief address.

  119. Pope John Paul II
    His Holiness Pope John Paul II Links The Unofficial Pope John Paul II Page Writings and Speeches of John Paul II Puebla and Beyond -- (28 http://www.knight.org/advent/Popes/ppjp02.htmMore Like This

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